Speaking Tips
I hope these videos and extra activities can help you! Watch the video first, then try to answer the questions in the extra activities section. Practice makes perfect!
How to read ALL NUMBERS in English Big numbers / Decimals / Ordinal / Fractions / Dates / Addresses / Phone

SMALL TALK with Strangers TIP 11 How to TALK WITH ANYONE!

Top 10 English Mistakes To Avoid

7 BEST WAYS to Improve your English ALONE and 100% FREE

ONLY 1 WORD for better English! Which word is it? English Tip no.7

How to reply to WHAT’S UP? Other ways to say ‘What’s up?’

The WORST thing to do in a conversation! Easy English Tip #10

No Vocab? No Problem! Easy English Conversation Tip no.9

Are you a CONVERSATION KILLER? Find out! Easy English TIP #5

LIARS SPEAK ENGLISH BETTER! Do you know why? English Tip no.6

What is the BEST conversation TOPIC? Easy English Tip #3

NEVER ask this question! Easy English Tip #8

What is the MOST USEFUL QUESTION? Easy English TIP #4

What is WHAT’S UP? How do you answer? Easy English TIP #2

How is it going? How are you doing? How are you? English Conversation Tip #1